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You Don’t Have to Be the Smartest Person in the Room

One of the most fundamental truths of leadership is that you don't have to possess all the answers.   

I hope this isn’t a surprise.  


If it is, let's hope it doesn’t hit too hard, before the coffee sets in. 


In fact, the most effective leaders understand the value of collaboration and actively seek input from team members. By creating an environment where ideas are welcomed and respected, leaders foster innovation and creativity. 


Each team member brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table, and by listening to their input, leaders can tap into a wealth of knowledge that may have otherwise gone untapped. You hired smart people, why not use them and their awesomeness.


Benefits of Creating Space for Ideas 

When leaders actively encourage the sharing of ideas and perspectives, several benefits emerge: 

  1. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse viewpoints lead to more comprehensive problem-solving approaches. Once point of view will only get one answer. If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Everyone in the room brings different experiences, different skills and different value systems that can help tackle a challenge within the team. 

  2. Increased Engagement: Have you experienced a conversation when you feel like your comments, opinions or contributions aren’t welcomed or blatantly ignored. Everyone has. This is because some people aren’t compelled to collaborate, they know everything and why would I seek any external validation or ideas. However, when team members feel their input is valued, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.  

  3. Fostering Innovation: Innovation thrives in environments where creativity is encouraged and rewarded. To get true innovation you need to create a space of psychological safety, where people feel safe to throw good ideas, bad ideas, any ideas into the mix and get the ball rolling. Without creating open dialogue where everyone’s voice is valued and heard, innovation is tough to nurture. 

  4. Building Trust: Open communication builds trust among team members and strengthens the overall team dynamic. Trust is built by genuine, open relationships, and this is often through vulnerability. Opening up, and being honest about not having all the answers inspires others to collaborate and create more open and honest dialogue back. 

Even if you are super smart, and you do know the answer.  

Is it important that you are the loudest voice, or you get the last word?   Think about the outcome you want, and then make your decision.  

At Blue Mercury, we support people to have awesome open conversations. Whether at work or at home. If you are interested in making the most of training and development - Check out some details here or contact us for more information!



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