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gallup cliftonstrengths

diving deep into your strengths

not weaknesses

Focus on your Strengths

What's right with you, your team and your workmates?


Too often as a culture we focus on ‘what’s wrong' or ‘finding the problem’.

However, research on maximising human potential shows that focusing on strengths is much more likely to create lasting change and deliver business benefits.


Gallup CliftonStrengths (previously StrengthsFinder) is a framework for one-on-one coaching, team mastery

and organisational development, with the goal of having you using a positive framework to speak about your unique strengths and utilising action plans to grow.


Your Strength themes are your talent DNA.

They explain the ways you most naturally think, feel and behave.


This professional coaching technique enables you to focus on, celebrate, and develop your personal strengths. Spending time with an Accredited CliftonStrengths coach will have a profound impact on your Top 5 Signature Themes in all areas of life.


Once you know your individual strengths in more detail and share this information with those around you, they will understand the unique ways you contribute, and the areas where you may need support from others. This focus on development has been shown to increase your engagement at work and give you a greater quality of life.


What is involved with CliftonStrengths as an individual?

  • Online CliftonStrengths Assessment  (approximately 1 hour)

  • Personalised Top 5 Signature Theme Report and Insight Guide

  • 90 minute personal coaching session to unpack your individual themes


What about as a CliftonStrengths team?

  • In addition to the Assessment, Top 5 reports and individual coaching.

  • The next step is a facilitated team analysis and additional support to build strengths into the culture of the team.


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