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This has grown from feedback that Leaders wished to learn about how to continue Strengths conversations with their own people after the Team Workshops.


These dedicated in-house groups are for your leaders to progress their own development, tackle and address challenges in an open forum focused on strengths.


They will learn skills and tools to use with their teams in a regular, consistent environment.

These are virtual 1-hour sessions, reoccurring once a month for current and future leaders, for 10 months of the year (excl. Dec and Jan).

These leaders are chosen by you, people who you think are passionate and keen to learn, and those tasked with managing people.

Group size is capped at 8 people, and will be dedicated time just for your businesses team and leaders.

Price is for one full year of In-house Leadership Group for up to 8 leaders, any other variations, please contact us for details.


In-house Leadership Group

Excluding GST
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