Come here, and listen in... if you can 😉

In our fast-paced, digital world, we often forget the importance of active listening. But with the studies showing that a massive 45% of communication is LISTENING, it leads us to wonder why this isn't something we're taught in school or even in the workplace.
Active listening can make a huge difference in the workplace and helps create a more positive emotional culture around us.
So, how and why can learning to listen make such a big difference in your business? Well, allow me to show you the way...
What does it mean to listen?
To actively listen is to fully engage with whoever is speaking to you while taking the time and effort to understand their message.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you might be thinking.
Of course, that's what listening is.
But if it's so clear and obvious, then why are there so many of us who can't do it!?
Put it this way:
Have you ever forgotten someones name, right after they have introduced themselves to you?
Or have you been in a conversation or discussion, and, as the other person is talking, you already know what you're going to reply before they've even finished speaking? And how many times have you been on the receiving end of that?
When we do this, we're not actually listening to what the other person is saying.
We're just waiting for our turn to talk. And this can lead to all sorts of problems in both our personal and professional lives.
In the workplace, active listening can make a big difference in staff morale, motivation, and, ultimately, productivity.
Think about it.
How motivated would you be if your boss actually listened to your ideas and concerns? And how much more productive could you be if you felt like your voice was being heard?
Active listening can also help to build trust within teams and foster a more positive emotional culture deck.
What does active listening have to do with the Emotional Culture Deck (ECD)?
The Emotional culture deck (ECD) is a structured way talking about emotions, feelings and a tool for creating a story telling environment. When a team choose the emotions they want to feel, you agree to a social contract to embody, value and repsect those feelings in others.
Most work teams want to feel valued, appreciated, and respected.
Some benefits of active listening in the workplace:
Helps to resolve conflicts quickly
Builds trust and respect
Allows employees to feel genuinely heard
Increases productivity and motivation
Fosters better collaborative working relationships
And all of this comes together to create a positive-minded, productive, and happy workforce that works more streamlined than ever before.
We all know when we’re not really being listened to. We’ve all done it to other people.
However, by starting to really focus on listening properly, and encourage everyone in your workplace to do the same, you can completely revolutionise the rates of success in your business.
So, there you have it.
The importance of active listening and how much of a big difference in your life, personally and professionally.
The next time you're in a conversation, take the time to truly listen to what the other person is saying. You might be surprised at how much better things go, especially when creating this listening ethos within your company.
If you want to learn more, I would recommend reading Kate Murphy's - You're Not Listening, or at least read this review from the Guardian and think about your own personal listening practices (or lack of them).
Here are a few ways you can learn more about The Emotional Culture Deck:
Learn more about how Emotional Culture Deck Workshops could work in your team
Book a session with Blue Mercury for your team in the New Year
If you still have questions, feel free to contact me here for a chat